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Social Exchange Tool

The Social Exchange tool supports the exchange of actions on Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin, Quora, Pinterest, and TikTok, but since this tool is fairly new, we are continuously working on improving its performance.

With this tool, you can exchange likes, views, shares, repins, retweets and upvotes with other participating user accounts.

To access the tool > click the Social Exchange button from the left panel menu > and navigate to the social platform you wish to use the exchange tool at.

(Screenshot here)

As mentioned, the Social Exchange tool supports six social platforms:

  1. Twitter – Like and Retweet Exchange
  2. Youtube – Like and View Exchange
  3. Linkedin – Like Exchange
  4. Quora – Upvote Exchange
  5. Pinterest – Repin Exchange
  6. TikTok – Like and View Exchange

How does Social Exchange tool work?

There are 4 main tabs for each tool in Social Exchange tab

  • Settings tab
  • Results tab
  • Summary tab
  • User Guide

Settings tab

This is the first tab and where you will set up the accounts that will give the actions as well as the URLs that will receive the actions.

It uses the points balance system as well.  You will need to keep a positive Points balance in order to acquire continuous engagement on your accounts.

  • To maintain a positive balance, you will need to make sure that you’ve added accounts that have Valid status in the Social Profiles tab to the accounts that will give likes, retweets, etc.
  • For each like, retweet, etc. that you give, you will receive points accordingly.

Accounts that will GIVE actions:

This is the section where you will add the accounts that will perform the designated actions. When adding accounts to this section, you will need to be aware of a couple of things:

  • Accounts must have valid status in Social Profiles
  • Aside from having a valid status, there are additional conditions that each account has to meet before it will be allowed to join each exchange session. This set of guidelines is added to protect all clients using the exchange feature.

(Screenshot here)

As you can see, when you add the accounts that will perform the actions, you have the option to set:

  • The maximum number of actions per day
  • The maximum actions the account will perform for each session
  • You can set-up the time when you want the tool to perform the actions.
  • An option that lets you remove all the accounts you’ve added to give the actions
  • You can indicate the number of accounts that will perform the designated action at the same time

💡 Below is the checklist you can go through if the accounts you have added are not performing any action:

(Screenshot here)

📌 For TikTok Exchange, you will also see why the account is not giving likes by moving your mouse pointer on top of the LE Status.

URLs that will RECEIVE actions:

In this section, you will add the information regarding the accounts or posts that will receive actions delivered by other Social Exchange users.

  • Add URLs – use this if you want to extract and receive actions on the posts extracted from specific profile URLs
  • Add Posts – aside from extracted posts, you can also add specific post URLs to receive the nominated actions
  • You can set the number of most recent posts that will get extracted per account URL
  • And a time frame as to when you want to receive the actions

(Screenshot here)

Results tab

  • From the Results tab, you will see the posts that received the actions, the number of actions received and sessions joined.
  • You also have different export options including Export All, Export My Sessioninfo and Export Overall Sessioninfo which provides a more detailed progress report.

(Screenshot here)

Summary tab

  • The Social Exchange Summary tab is almost the same as that of the Dashboard Summary tab, the only notable difference is that the Social Exchange Summary tab is reporting progress exclusive to the exchange actions.
  • You will see what actions the tool has executed including reported errors.

(Screenshot here)

User Guide tab

If you want to get more information about the Social Exchange tool, you can go to the User Guide tab.

How is Points Balance computed?

Since it is mentioned that there are several Social Platforms supported by the Social Exchange Tool.  This also means that each Social Platform gets its own Points Balance, they are independent of each other. For instance, if you have used up your Twitter Points balance, your other Social Platform Points Balance will not be affected.

On the other hand, if a user has multiple licenses, for example, 3 Licenses then the like points balance is shared across all 3 licenses and not per license.  Let’s say you have 1000 points balance For Twitter, that is the total points you have for all 3 licenses.  Moreover, your points balance is shared between the actions done per Social Platform.  So for Twitter, your Like points Balance is shared between Like and Retweet.

💡 Example: If a user has 3 Licenses with currently 1000 points for Twitter Exchange then on the next session it does the following:

➡ 1st license: receives 5 likes, gives 10 likes, received 2 retweets, and gives 4 retweets

➡ 2nd license: receives 10 likes, gives 20 likes, receives 4 retweets, and gives 10 retweets

➡ 3rd license: receives 10 likes, gives 20 likes, receives 4 retweets, and gives 10 retweets

At the end of that session, the user receives a total of 25 likes, gives 50 likes, receives 10 retweets and gives 24 retweets.

Hence, his Points Balance will be +25 Like and +14*5 =  70 from retweets (as 1 retweet means 5 points) so his Points Balance will be 1095.

📌 Import Things To Remember:

✅ This tool is built to help promote engagement on your accounts and posts and if used properly, it will help boost your accounts and posts.

🛑 However, we prohibit any adult, gambling, CPA or any unscrupulous accounts and posts from joining the exchange.  We have added these measures to protect your account and other users as well.  Keep in mind that we are monitoring all actions closely and we will ban anyone who will fail to comply.

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