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Youtube LikeReply Comments Tool

Actively engaging on your own as well as on other YouTubers’ videos is a good strategy to gain more subscribers to your channel and you can do this by leaving a comment.  However, your comment would most likely get buried in no time especially if the video you commented has a lot of engagers.

To boost your comment and become one of the top comments, it needs to gather a ton of likes or replies.  Other viewers can contribute to this aspect but there is an alternative option to make it happen quicker.

You can grow the likes on your comments via SM Tasker’s Like/Reply Comments tool.  You can use this tool to like the comments you made using your other accounts or to reply to those comments, which means you need to have multiple YouTube accounts to accomplish this action.

Using the YouTube Like/Reply Comments Tool

To start using the Like/Reply Comments Tool on your YouTube account > navigate to Tools tab > click More Tools > click Like/Reply Comments.  The Like/Reply Comments Tool tab has three tabs: SettingsSources, and Results.


(Screenshot showing the Like Comments tool)



This is the tab where you can set up how the tool is going to execute like/reply to comments actions as well as the tool limits. The Settings tab, has three sections: Run Timers, Like/Reply Limits and Post Filters.

Run Timers section

In this section, you can set up the time when you want SM Tasker to execute like/reply comments actions, the wait time before each new operation, and the number of comments you like per operation.


(Screenshot of the run timers section)


1. This is the number of minutes you want the tool to wait before executing a new operation.

2. Set how many comments you want to like/reply per operation. SM Tasker will pick a number between the values you set for each operation randomly.

3. If you check this option, you will allow the tool to rest after it has executed X operations before executing a new operation.

4. Set the hours when you want the tool to like comments. The tool will not execute actions outside of the time you specified here.

5. Select the days of the week when the tool will execute the actions.

✅ There is a “Rotate Days” option.  You can enable this option and SM Tasker will use the same number of days you have initially selected and rotate it.

💡Example: You initially checked Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  On the following week, SM Tasker will pick random 3 days to execute the like comments action.  You may also exclude weekends in the variation should you prefer not to do any actions on those days.

Like/Reply Limits


(Screenshot limits section )


1. This is where you can set the Like Comments tool daily limit. SM Tasker will pick a random number between X-Y each day as the limit.

💡 Example: If you set the tool to like 50-100 per day, the like/reply comments tool will like/reply to maximum X comments per day (X is random number between 50 and 100). You can also opt to increase the daily limit each day until it reaches your preferred daily limit.

2. Aside from setting the daily limit, you can also limit the number of actions that will get executed per hour. Again, a random number will be selected from x-y.

3. If you want to limit the number of comments your account likes/replies per video, you can change the value set here. 0-0 means no limit on the number of comments you like/reply to per video.

💡Example: If you change the value to 3-4, your account will like/reply to a maximum of 3-4 comments only per video.

4. This option is used when you want to limit the number of comments you will like from the same user

5. Scroll the search page for X seconds is the amount of time that SM Tasker will scroll through the page to show more comments posted on the video. Hence, the longer the scroll time, the more comments will be liked/replied to.

Post Filters


(Screenshot of post filters section)


Unlike the other tools, there is only one filter for YouTube Like/Reply Comments tool.  If you want to avoid liking or replying to comments that contain a certain word, you can add those words in the designated box. You can add as many words as you wish, just make sure that it is separated by a comma.

 ✅ Should you want to use the same settings on all your YouTube accounts, click on the Copy Settings button.


This is the tab where you can indicate the sources that SM Tasker will use when searching for comments.  There are six available sources: Like specific comments based on URLs, Like from User/Channel, Like Comment URLs, Reply to specific comments based on URLs, Reply to User/Channel, Reply to Comment URLs.

Like specific comments based on URLs

Use this source if you want to like comments on specific videos. Just add the video URLs (one video URL per line) in the box provided and click on the “Add to Like List” button.


(Screenshot of source option comments based on URL )


Like from User/Channel

Use this option if you want to like the comments on videos of specific users or channels.  You can add multiple URLs separated by the newline then hit the Add to Like List button.


(Screenshot of source option like from user/channel option)


Like Comment URLs

If you have a collection of specific comment URLs you want to like, this is the source you can use to achieve that.  Again, separate URLs by a newline, and don’t forget to add them to the like list.


(Screenshot of Like Comments URLs option )


📌 How to get the Comment URL:

  • Right click on the time stamp (for example this comment-> “11 months ago”)
  • Next, click “copy the link address”.
  • Then paste the copied URL in a Notepad


Reply to specific comments based on URLs

Use this source if you want to reply to comments on specific videos. Just add the video URLs (one video URL per line) in the box provided, then type your comment on the text box below and click on the “Add to Reply List” button.


(Screenshot of the option reply to specific comments based on URL)


Reply to User/Channel

Use this option if you want to reply to comments on videos of specific users or channels. You can add multiple URLs separated by a newline, the key in your comment on the text box below, then hit the Add to Reply List button.


(Screenshot of option reply to user/channel)


Reply to Comment URLs

If you have a collection of specific comment URLs you want to reply to, you can use this source. Don’t forget to include your comment on the text box below.  Separate the URLs by a newline and don’t forget to add them to the reply list.


(Screenshot of option reply to comment URLs)




(Screenshot of the results tab)


Here, you can see the comments your account liked or replied to. You can see when the comment was liked or replied to, the keyword that was used, the username or name of the commenter and the original and reply comment messages.

You also have other action links including:

  • Delete All – use this if you want to clear the Results tab
  • Export All – click this action link if you want to generate and keep a record of the results
  • Delete – this will delete that specific result from the list
  • Browse – when clicked, will open to the comment URL which received the like action via an external browser
  • Browse Embedded – will launch the embedded browser of the account and visit the comment URL that received the like action
  • Copy – will copy the link of the comment URL that was liked
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